Every survey seems to confirm that people are simply fed up with politics and their elected politicians. Approval ratings have never been lower. Compromise is not an option and stalemate is the new norm. Perhaps until now.
This year, at least as far as the few million owners in homeowner associations go, instead of criticism, the members of The Florida Legislature deserve a standing ovation. Recognizing that members in homeowner associations are in desperate need of legislative assistance, understanding that condominium owners have far greater protections than owners in an HOA, and acknowledging that time was of the essence, the members of The Florida Legislature passed common sense legislative reform of HOA’s without bickering, delay tactics, name calling or blind allegiance to a party philosophy.
In all of the hearings and in all of the meetings regarding House Bill 7119, professionalism reigned. In addition to our legislature, The Department of Business and Professional Regulation agreed to approve classes for certification of HOA directors and deserves applause as well. This year, even the interests of the owners were placed way ahead of the interests of developers. Hard to believe, but I saw it with my own eyes.
It would never have happened without strong leadership supporting the legislation. Senator Hays, Representative Larosa and Representative Mayfield led the way and had the obvious confidence and admiration of all of their colleagues on these issues from both parties.
So after this year, perhaps it’s time to have some renewed confidence in the ability of The Florida Legislature to respond to the needs of homeowners throughout Florida, even if their needs don’t necessarily align with Florida developers. I guess we’ll see if the trend continues next year. This year however, send your local legislator an e-mail, give him or her a call or post a comment to this blog and say THANK YOU for working together with your fellow Representatives and Senators to pass HB 7119.
Many of you have asked for a copy of the actual bill. Simply click here: http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Documents/loaddoc.aspx?FileName=_h7119er.docx&DocumentType=Bill&BillNumber=7119&Session=2013