Well that was quite a year wasn’t it? 2020 was without a doubt the gloomiest, most depressing year that most of us have encountered in our lifetimes. It could not have ended soon enough. I don’t think it’s sufficient to just put it in the rear view mirror and forget about it. It would be a shame if we look at 2020 as simply a year of destruction. We have to at least be able to say that we learned some life lessons from the tragedies and insanity that so many families suffered. Let’s at least try to salvage something from the insane year that it was .
Every year everyone seems to make new year’s resolutions. They stick with them for a few weeks and usually forget about them by February. I would like to think that this year, we are better than that. I would like to think that since we just went through hell together, we should certainly be able to get along with each other when the going is not a tough as it was in 2020 and 2021 begins to return all of us to a normal life again. So, as the theme song to the Condo Craze Radio Show says……”Why Can’t We Be Friends?” To help us get there, I created these resolutions that I hope we can all stick to in the year ahead.