If there ever was a time to come to a seminar or educational event, Sunday is it. This coming Sunday, May 7th, at 7:00 a.m. my staff and I put together a great event for all of you at The Miniaci Theater at Nova Southeastern University. From 7:00 – 8:00 we will serve you a buffet breakfast. At 8:00 a.m. I will teach our Board Certification Course that certifies both condo and HOA directors. Our course has certified approximately 13,000 directors all across the state. There will be a panel of experts on stage who will be answering your questions on property management, financial reporting, insurance requirements and more. We will also let everyone know what community association laws passed this legislative session, and believe me, this was an active year.
At 11:00 a.m. Karen Curtis and I will do the Condo Craze and HOAs Radio Show live before a studio audience. It’s always fun and we love to get your voices heard on the air. Considering the flurry of provisions that passed this year which put the brakes on board member and manager misconduct, we want to hear from Board members if they think the attack was justified and we want to hear from unit owners if they think the bills went far enough. We anticipate a vigorous, intelligent and lively debate. Both sides should be prepared to stick up for themselves in front of our audience and the audience listening on their radios and on the internet.
Following the radio show, at noon, we will serve everyone a buffet lunch and dessert. It’s all fun………and it’s all free. In addition, all of the show’s sponsors will be there, telling you about how they can help your community and will be giving away prizes.
Not only do Board members get certified, but any community association managers who attend receive two Legal Update 2017 credits and one Human Resource credit.
Start the summer off with some fun. Come be our guest at a first class location, with a first class panel, great food, a fun course, a chance to learn a lot and participate in a live radio show. Trust me, a good time will be had by all. To register, please go to: www.condocrazeandhoas.com. We are looking forward to seeing all of you.