There is so much dread in the world right now. So much death and uncertainty. I think it’s OK if this week we try to make the blog fun. It’s Ok. I think we all deserve it. So, let’s have some Halloween fun. Listed below are some fill in the bland sentences. List your answers below, keeping in mind that your response must have a Halloween theme:
The name of my condominium/HOA should really be called ____________________
That’s because it looks like a ___________________.
We don’t have a swimming pool, we have a ______________
The problem is that the President of the Board acts like __________________
And The other board members remind me of _____________________
I’m sure the Board believes that the owners are the ones to blame and that most owners look and sound like ______________________
Only a Super Hero can turn our condo/HOA around and that Super Hero should be_________________________
The candy that best reminds me of my condo/HOA is ___________________
Fill out your answers and list them below. Let’s see who gives the funniest results.